Kaleidoscope Platter 28″
Manitou Galleries
Eucled and Marilyn have been working with wood for over 26 years. Eucled began while living in Africa, where his father was a missionary.
There was a woodshop at the mission where Eucled learned basic shop skills and turning from his father. Being the perfectionist that he is, he went on to refine the technique of segmented turning. Marilyn learned basic woodworking skills by helping design and construct her house when she was 19. That was it! Then she knew she loved designing and creating in wood. Her turning skills began developing when she began making high-end kaleidoscopes which were marketed at fine craft galleries across the country. Eucled and Marilyn began collaborating in 1989. It’s the first time either had a long term working relationship with another artist. Both find the partnership to be very creative and stimulating.