About this artist

JD Challenger was born in Oklahoma with a creative fire that first began to smolder as a very young child, becoming a wildfire by the time he reached his teens. This creative energy was expressed through art and music, and even though he never received actual training in either, these talents flourished.

Working in acrylics and oil on canvas as well as watercolor, his style began to emerge, his passion grew, and his visions became more clear.  Challenger indicates that he has never been a great oral communicator. He modestly declines credit for his remarkable creative gifts and says “the thing I do best is paint. I look at it as ‘not me’ doing it, I’m just the instrument… the Creator, the brush, the paint and then me.”

Few artists generate excitement like JD Challenger. In the Southwest, his exhibitions are often sold out before the gallery doors open, and many of his paintings are purchased before they leave his easel.