In the Woods
Manitou Galleries
James Randle paints from feeling as opposed to a pure realistic approach to a scene; a sense of his past, upbringing as well as current reality can be experienced in each of his works. James’ renderings are referred to as urban realism which can depict a place in society, an object, a feeling, a manmade structure or destruction of past opulence. His paintings reflect an admiration for modern landscape painters and his influence is particularly evident in the atmospheres created by suffused light throughout his work.
James uses photographs and sketches as a starting point for his compositions. Once the idea is on canvas he lets his process react to the composition and mood of the piece. For Randle, the most important feature of an object is the feeling that it invokes. His marks create motion, skewing one’s temporal perception of the still image. The work is gestural, emotive, pushing and pulling, causing complexity to emerge from the seemingly benign urban settings.
James was born in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1981. He received A Bachelors of Fine Arts from the University of Utah in the winter of 2005. He currently works at his studio in Phoenix Arizona.